Future Trends

What’s next for aviation? The future starts now

Feb 11, 2019

estimated  mn.

Preparations are well under way for ACI’s largest event, the ACI Asia-Pacific/World Annual General Assembly, Conference and Exhibition, taking place from 2–4 April 2019 in Hong Kong. Over the two-day conference, an expected 600 aviation leaders will explore: “What’s next for aviation? The future starts now.”

Delegates will explore the future to foster a creative and innovating platform for the exchange of knowledge and the exploration of solutions to some of the most pressing issues of the field.

A number of top international speakers have been announced including senior representatives from:

  • Airport Authority Hong Kong
  • Not confirmed yet Aeropuertos Argentina 2000
  • AENA Aeropuertos S.A.
  • Airports Company South Africa
  • Not confirmed yet Athens International Airport S.A
  • Cathay Pacific
  • Changi Airport Group (S) Pte Ltd
  • Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky International Airport
  • Federal Aviation Administration
  • Fraport AG Frankfrut Airport Service Worldwide
  • Heathrow Airport Limited
  • Jacksonville Aviation Authority
  • Kansai Airports
  • Los Angeles World Airports
  • Oman Airports Management Company

Topics, delivered in various dynamic formats, will include:

Leaders’ forum exploring the key issue of capacity

Airport passenger traffic has been growing at an average rate of 4.5% during the last decade (from 2007 to 2017) despite a series of macroeconomic shocks and adverse geopolitical events. Considering robust traffic growth, many airports are near, at, or even exceeding their design capacities, causing congestion, higher costs, lower levels of service and frustrated demand. Existing airport infrastructure cannot handle expected growth. This is what the industry refers to as capacity crunch. This session will explore how airport operators will address the infrastructure in order to continue accommodating traffic in the most effective way possible, by looking at financing of additional airport capacity, pricing mechanisms for scarce infrastructure and optimization in the allocation of slots.

A new era in aircraft operations

Major developments are underway in the fields of commercial space transport (FL600 plus), urban air mobility and drones (below FL10). In addition, the long-heralded revival of supersonics, operating up to FL600, may be on the verge of realization in the next decade. This session will introduce speakers in leading positions to discuss these new developments.

The airport customer experience revolution

Everyday, customers live different types of experiences, delivered by different kinds of companies such as banks, online stores, coffee shops, and more. All these interactions shape their overall expectations and their definition of an outstanding experience. Customers have come to expect higher levels of service and a better experience from airports based on their interactions with other service-led industries.

Customer experience management is the practice of designing and reacting to customer interactions to meet or exceed customer expectations and, thus, increase their satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy. This session will emphasise how airports are managing the rise of customers’ expectations with the collaboration of all their stakeholders and will present case studies from airports participating in ACI’s Airport Customer Experience Accreditation pilot.

The NEXTT generation

NEXTT (new experience travel technologies) is a vision for the future of air travel. NEXTT addresses growing capacity issues and the need to maximize the use of infrastructure and become more efficient in processes. Off airport processes, advanced technologies such as robotics and biometrics, and data sharing between all stakeholders are key components. This panel explores future ideas as well as solutions already being tested and implemented and looks at how they will shape the face of air travel.

Live interview – Connecting with the passenger

Technology, when deployed effectively, is instrumental in breaking down the silos which often frustrate customers. The proliferation of airline, airport, store, restaurant and other mobile Apps presents challenges to passengers’ travel journey, as they are constantly bombarded with notifications pushed to their mobile devices. Companies must find new, seamless ways to connect with passengers and cut through the noise. This is where new technologies come in. Passengers can now plan their trip and filter relevant information, from online check-in, baggage tracking and lounge access to restaurant promos, reservations and shop discounts, through their preferred channel. This session will showcase how a single portal can bring about a significant change.

Innovation in security

The security landscape continues to change with new threats emerging, putting additional pressures on regulators, security staff and manufacturers. This session will look at innovative approaches to security, leveraging robust and agile screening solutions that could address current and future aviation threats.

The formal conference is preceded by a series of workshops where more depth can be provided on key topics of environment, human resources, forecasting, cargo and slots.

Sponsors include Dufry, Idemia, Rapiscan Systems, Securitas, and Sita and the exhibition space only has a few spots remaining. 


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