Written by Tom Duffy, VP Business Development, Americas, ADB SAFEGATE
As the new year settles in, the ACI World Business Partner Advisory Board (WBPAB) is looking ahead and already working towards its goals for 2019. Building on important initiatives and advancements made last year under the leadership of Sarah Branquinho, this year’s Board objectives will focus on engagement, information sharing and capitalizing on the progress made thus far.
2019 World Business Partner goals
One of the main goals for 2019 is delivering a searchable database featuring all WBPs worldwide, allowing for more visibility with airports and easy access to information in a centralized platform. This project is key to putting in front of airports the wealth of expertise amongst WBPs and generating effective new business opportunities and collaboration between airports and WBPs.
Furthermore, the Board has committed to improving the flow and quality of information from ACI to WBPs, as this has been a prevalent challenge of working across regions and within a multitude of committees, Board, working groups and task forces. Throughout the year, board members will discuss what mechanisms could be implemented to share best practices and information from these groups among all other WBPs in the various regions.
Finally, one of the most important functions of the WBPAB is to promote and encourage engagement not only from all its members and ACI regional representatives, but also from all WBPs across all regions. The WBP programme is fundamental to delivering innovative and effective solutions to enable the world’s airports to be at the forefront of rapid change. As such, engagement and participation in events, committees, Boards and other ACI initiatives enables all WBPs’ voices to be heard, and for WBPs to be recognized by airports for their expertise and qualifications.
2019 is shaping up to a busy year for the WBPAB, with a dynamic mandate and engaged Board members ready to work on behalf of all WBPs and airports alike.
Tom Duffy has split his 29 years in the industry between just two companies; the last 19 years with Safegate (now ADB Safegate). Currently he leads the company’s business development efforts in North America.
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