ACI presented five working papers at the ICAO Thirteenth Air Navigation Conference held in Montréal from 9 to 19 October 2018, which was attended by 1,213 delegates nominated by 116 Member States and 37 international organizations. The theme of the Conference was “From Development to Implementation.” The discussions took place in two committees, the Air Navigation Committee (Committee A) and the Safety Committee (Committee B).
Committee A discussed the challenges and initiatives related to aerodrome capacity and efficiency in light of the forecast for doubling of traffic in the next fifteen years in both passenger volume and aircraft movements. It highlighted areas in which States, ICAO and industry should increase their efforts to implement strategic objectives in the Global Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9750, GANP).
ACI presented the following working papers, which were discussed and supported by States:
- Aerodrome operations, capacity and efficiency shared ACI initiatives to enhance
aerodrome capacity and efficiency including aerodrome certification, airport planning, standard procedures for operations, airport collaborative decision-making (A-CDM), total airport management (TAM) and use of new technologies such as aircraft with folding wing tips as well as the safe use of
drones for aerodrome operational support in the inspection of movement areas and wildlife management. The Conference noted that aerodrome operators of States are encouraged by ACI to request assistance to address issues of concern. - Cyber resilience highlighted ACI initiatives to ensure cyber resilience from an airport perspective. States recognized the recommendation from this paper that an expert group should
develop a trust framework that should be practical, efficient, flexible and effective for all parties.
- New Experience Travel Technologies (NEXTT), a joint paper with IATA, introduced ACI and IATA initiatives on the transport of passengers, baggage and cargo to benefit from the latest technological developments and enhance aerodrome capacity through better efficiency and predictability of operations. The Conference noted the work being undertaken by IATA and ACI in this respect and that one emphasis of NEXTT was on automating the exchange of data.
Committee B discussed organizational safety issues, operational safety risks and emerging safety issues. The Conference agreed on the need to continue implementation efforts under the umbrella of the Global Aviation Safety Plan (Doc 10004, GASP), focusing on safety performance, regional mechanisms, safety risk management and national/regional safety planning. ACI presented two papers on:
- Aerodrome safety elucidatedACI activities and initiatives related to runway safety, safety data, SMS implementation and aerodrome certification. The paper expressed support for ICAO activities and strategic objectives on safety, and discussed emerging issues in relation to aerodrome safety, notably the use of lasers and drones in the vicinity of aerodromes. The Conference noted and supported the information highlighted in the paper and acknowledged the valuable contribution of the presented activities to aerodrome safety.
- Airport Excellence (APEX) in Safety presented the progress of this programme which the Conference noted along with the need for States to support the participation of national airport operators and expressed support for States to look favourably on peer-to-peer assistance to airports on operational safety management and facilitating compliance with regulations.
The conference agenda included a wide array of issues such as the next edition of the Global Air Navigation Plan; future provision of aeronautical meteorological services; system-wide information management; trajectory-based operations; air traffic flow management; civil/military cooperation; operations above Flight Level 600; operations below 1000 feet; and remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS), among others.
The Conference agreed on a total of 52 recommendations which will be submitted for approval to the ICAO Council for subsequent endorsement by the 40th Session of the Assembly in 2019.